|Proceeds from this event go to establish Forage Mendocino as a Non-Profit Organization|

|Proceeds from this event go to establish Forage Mendocino as a Non-Profit Organization|

Forage Mendocino in partnership with Little River Inn Presents Our Inaugural Mushroom Sympsium + Foragers Market Friday 12/8 through Sunday 12/10 at the Little River Inn, in Little River, CA. With an all-star line up of Speakers, Foray Leaders, and Local Artisans, you don’t want to miss out. Proceeds from this event go to establish Forage Mendocino as a Non-Profit Organization.

Forage Mendocino is an events and education organization emphasizing sustainable, ethical foraging practices on the Mendocino Coast. The name came from the popular. Forage Mendocino is in the process of establishing itself as a Non-Profit Organization (501 C3). The proceeds of this event will go to fund Forage Mendocino as a non-profit educational + Foraging land access advocacy group.

Forage Mendocino’s Core Values + Purpose:

  1.   To host educational events & workshops that encourage and inform the public about sustainable foraging practices, wild food identification, preparation, and the costs to us all of habitat loss. 

  2. To improve public access to legal foraging land. 

  3. To advocate for tribal access to ancestral foraging grounds.

  4. To organize community events and projects around habitat restoration.